The reverse sear is a wonderful technique to use for any large cut of meat whether it be beef, pork, lamb or even chicken. The concept is simple. You slowly raise the internal temperature of the meat while introducing some smoke flavor (if you choose to do so). Once you are within a few degrees of your target internal temperature you crank the heat up and finish off with a final sear. By allowing the internal temperature to slowly rise within the meat you end up with beautifully cooked protein that is one solid level of doneness throughout. If you try to cook a large piece of meat on your grill right from refrigeration it will have the five seasons of doneness. Rare in the center, a medium rare ring, a medium ring, a gray medium well ring and finally a dryed out flavorless outside ring.

The Reverse Sear
The reverse sear is a wonderful technique to use for any large cut of meat whether it be beef, pork, lamb or even chicken. The concept is simple.
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